Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fish Apocalypse Scenerio

Howard says:
I might write to Lydia and complain about her being in an existential angst dream I had last night.

Fred says:
I want a role in your dreams.

Howard says:
I don't know that I get to choose!

Fred says:
something cool.
maybe a superhero.

Howard says:
I'll try my best!

Fred says:
well make it up to appease me.

Howard says:
I shall do my best!
What powers would you want?

Fred says:
i don't know.
you have to dream them.

Howard says:
I hope your powers are totally silly.
I'd hate it if you had REALLY SCARY POWERS

Fred says:
silly powers are acceptable.
i don't want to be scary.
maybe the ability to turn fish into daisies?

Howard says:
in a fish apocalypse scenario

Fred says:
it could happen.

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