Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mummy's Girl


Mothers Day is coming up. Yes, that time of year when you remember that you have a Mum. That awe-inspiring woman who also answers to the name of Cleaning Up Fairy, Cooking Goddess, She Who Knows How To Work The Washing Machine, The Peacemaker and Patron Saint of All That is Good and True in the Household World.

And if you're a teenager, she also answers to "Evil Bitch Who Won't Let Me Go Out To The Pub Even Though I'm Underage But Obviously EVERYONE Else Is Going. It's So Not Fair, You've Ruined My Life." Although you'll grow out of that. And you'll have more brain cells as a result.

I really must brush up on my handwriting for this big event. The last greeting card I sent went via Outer Mongolia.

100th post! Yay!


JGJones said...

Outer Mongolia? Err no...it came via Planet Zork. I would know. I got it.

You wrote in it:

"Hi mummyiskn...I need dosh...quick...need beer. And rent of course.

Plus I've got a pile of clothes for you to wash, get around her asap to clean and iron them for me.

Cheerio, from Car....err I forgot...happy mother's day and all that. Must dash C x"

Go on...admit it, that was YOUR card...I know cos it was in a pink fluffy envolope and smelt of cheap perfume, with pictures of fluffy rabbits bouncing around on the front (pity, no shagging there...not that I have a keen interest in seeing shagging rabbits mind you)



Anonymous said...

Who is jgjones and why has he got my card?
'Confused of Dorset'

Cazz said...

JGJones is the one who eats cornflakes out of a pasta bowl. Do you remember him?

And I think the greeting card was for Dad actually... Was quite some time back.

How's the weather on Planet Zork?

Anonymous said...

How could I ever forget!! Hi Joe *waves*

JGJones said...

Pasta bowl? Might explain why it was...wheaty.

Now I must apologise for that....not my best I admit, I've hit an all time low...