I don't have time to blog. I really don't. And then come lunchtime I have this niggling sense of guilt at the back of my head. A little voice whispering in my ear, "You haven't blogged since last Tuesday!"
I think my last post was about my mother. Since then I have received an email from Holland. Yes, I have readers as far overseas as Holland. One to be precise. The giddy heights! Anyway. In Holland, Mothers Day is not until April. Or May. We're actually not all that sure about the month, let alone the date. He is now holding me personally responsible for wasting the English equivalent of £1.50.
So from this day forth - any posts relating to British holidays will now carry the disclaimer (N.B. Not for people outside of the United Kingdom). The flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil and all that...
What else?
On Monday I went to Wales on a recce with the rest of my team. We had two people carriers. We were motoring down the M4 happily discussing the merits of organic balsamic vinegar in comparision to the rather yummy one with added pesticides. All of a sudden someone espied that we were in need of petrol. We pulled into the petrol forecount, jumped out and started pumping fuel into our very nice people carrier. Forty pounds of unleaded later we suddenly realised that our people carrier actually took diesel.
Cue one fervent phone call to our production co-ordinator in the other car, "Now I want you to stay calm whilst I tell you this, the Series Producer is in your car and I don't want them knowing anything about this until we have found a solution. We do not need anyone to panic. So remain calm and quiet. We put unleaded in the diesel car. "
The long and short of it? I ended up in Swindon waiting for the car to be drained with Mel, our Production Manager whilst everyone else swanned off to Wales. If you're ever stuck there, the Sainsburys Cafe is very nice.
It wasn't me who put the unleaded in the diesel car, by the way.
Off to the theatre this weekend.
That's it from me.
And you know what? I really didn't have time.
Holland hey. Now you have a random reader from the United States. Before you boo, do know that I'm a fan of the movie Love Actually.
And who told you bacon sandwiches were bad for you? The nerve.
At great risk of my life, I shall ask the question every man wants to ask, but is too chicken to ask. I'm asking on their behalf not mine of course, I'm a New Age man and all that so obviously I wouldn't think this at all surely you know that...but...
it was a woman that filled up the car wasn't it?
on a totally and completely unrelated note, I see there's a very cheap one way flight to Outer Mongolia...nice this time of year isn't it?
The United States. Wey hey! We're nothing like they are in Love Actually - much less drama and our Prime Minister isn't cute.
Bacon sandwiches are an indulgence saved only for the mother of hangovers... And Saturday mornings.
Yes, it was a woman. :)
Anyone with a decent education should know that mothers day run from Feb right through to about November.
Different countries have different Mothers day
But I guess Holland is not as commercialised as the UK seeing all the adverts a month before Mothers day how could we forget :-)
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