Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Random Texter Once Again

And no month would be complete without a message from The Random Texter.

Some say that he treads so light he leaves no carbon footprint.

Others say that he cured the potato famine in Ireland.

All that I know is he is The Random Texter.

"As you know I have been playing a lot of golf and was getting quite good. Anyhow, my game started to go downhill so I decided to book some lessons with the golf pro. I had several lessons then went to the clubhouse; the pro had left me a message saying that the only way to improve my game was to cut 6 inches off the end of my clubs. Puzzled, I rang him and he said it wouldn't help me, but at least they'd fit in the dustbin."

His golf might suck, but it's a reassurance that his texting skills are still intact.


Butch said...

Welcome Back!

Nicky and I have been practising our pole dancing! We are so much sexier now... though I think we need to cut 12 inches off the end of Nicky's pole.


Ms.N said...

hehe... good one. btw, do u really own a horse?