Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pass the Prozac

I'm starting to feel like Lydia and I have OCD.

The reason?

In just over 6 weeks we have befriended so many travellers - Fred and Jon, a guy from Lativia (forgotten name, sorry!), Delphine and Gaelle, Jessica and Valeska, Karen and Pip, Bosnia-guy, Fanny, Eliza and Natalie and countless others (apologies if your name was omitted). Most of these people are not taking malaria tablets, many of them don't use insect repellants, indeed - some probably think that malaria is something you can buy in a greengrocers.

Whereas with us - we have malaria tablets, we have a mosquito repellent plug, we have room spray, we have jungle-strength insect repellent, our sun-cream and after-sun has insect repellent, we have ammonia to put on any bites. What else? Oh yes, we sleep under a treated mosquito net.

Would it be fair to say we're slightly obsessive?

Caroline xx

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